The following changes will come into effect in German immgiration law:


  • holders of student permits will be able to work up to 140 full or 280 half days per calendar year instead of 120 full or 240 half days
  • student permits will be valid initially for 2 years now instead of 1 year as before
  • student permit holders will be able to change their purpose of stay before they graduate. Until today they could only change the purpose of stay in very limited exceptions.
    • Permanent residence permit options for spouses who are married to Skilled Workers holding permanent residence permit
  • they must have held a residence permit for minimum 3 years instead of 5 years before;
  • they are employed for at least 20 hours per week; and
  • they proof German language skills level B1 with certificate
    • Residence Permits for parents of principals with Blue Card EU, ICT Card, Mobile ICT Card, or Skilled Workers Permit and their spouses residing in Germany: principal or spouse will be able to apply for a family reunification permit if
  • the principal applicant was issued a qualifying permit type for the first time as of March 01, 2024
  • the parents maintain a secure livelihood and appropriate health insurance

This option automatically ends on December 31, 2028

  • Blue Card EU holders (principal) can apply for Permanent Residence Permit after
    • 21 months with German language knowledge level B1
    • 27 months with German language knowledge level A1

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.