The CleanTech Capital Group of McGuireWoods LLP is pleased to announce today the launch of its very own blog, " The Energy and Environmental Investor." The blog, which will provide legal, policy and investment insights and analysis on energy, clean technology and environmental finance matters, is being written by a team of attorneys at McGuireWoods led by Cameron Prell, Steve Keeler, Brian Kelly and Richard Grant.

"We are still at the front end of a global shift in how industries and economies address new energy and environmental risks through innovation. Waves of clean technology and resource management companies have come and gone and more are emerging. The start-ups and investments that have been successful in recent years, however, are generally those that can integrate their business model with a realistic plan to navigate the changing dynamics of whatever highly regulated markets they are targeting. Because of our firm's depth of expertise with energy, water and transportation sectors, and our experience with venture capital, private equity and acquisition transactions, we felt a blog linking industry and investment was the perfect way to communicate real-time information with both our clients and potential clients," said Cameron Prell, a Senior Counsel in the firm's Washington D.C. office and one of the lead authors on the blog. "Our goal is to not only cover the dizzying range of "clean tech" issues facing companies, investors and corporate strategics, but to try and frame the issues in their proper market and regulatory contexts."

The blog's debut posts are looking at issues including President Obama's recent actions to address climate change, the market implications of allowing clean technology companies to form master-limited partnerships, assessing 2013 Q1 investments in clean technologies, and summarizing a recent 7th Circuit appeals court decision on energy transmission costs and what the case might mean to clean power producers in the Midwest.

McGuireWoods attorneys have authored several blogs, ranging from healthcare issues and white-collar crime, to employee benefits matters and class action cases. A link to the blogs can be found here.

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