Federal Act on the Insurance Contract (Insurance Contract Act, ICA)

of 2 April 1908
(as of 1 January 2022)

1st Chapter: General provisions

1st Section: Conclusion of the Contract

Art. 1

Insurance contract application

1 Anyone who has applied to the insurance company to conclude an insurance contract and has not set a shorter time limit for acceptance, remains bound for 14 days.

2 If the insurance requires a medical examination, the applicant remains bound for four weeks.

3 The time limit starts running upon delivery or transmission of the application to the insurance company or its agent.

4 The applicant is no longer bound if the insurance company's declaration of acceptance has not reached him* before the expiry of the time limit.

Art. 2

Special conditions of application

1 Where the application to extend or amend an existing contract or to reinstate a suspended contract is not rejected by the insurance company within 14 days upon receipt, it is deemed accepted.

2 Where a medical examination is required pursuant to the general conditions of insurance, the application is deemed accepted if it is not rejected by the insurance company within four weeks upon receipt.

3 The application to increase the limit of liability is not governed by these provisions.

* For the sake of simplicity, the entire translation uses the terms "policyholder", "insured" and "beneficiary" in the masculine form.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.