I have been discussing Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) a bit over the last few days.

Typically, NDAs come in a standard, take-it-or-leave-it form from the discloser to the disclosee - the latter has no say, more or less.

A different or contrarian approach to drafting an NDA could involve the following:

Tailor it to specific situations: Instead of using a standard template, create a customised non-disclosure agreement, addressing the unique needs and concerns of the parties in the current matter. This might include more precise definitions of what constitutes confidential information and how it should be handled.

Collaborative Approach: Shift the focus of the non-disclosure agreement from solely protecting proprietary information to also fostering collaboration. Include clauses that outline how the parties can jointly develop new ideas and technology while still protecting their core intellectual property.

Transparency: Instead of the typical opaque language found in many non-disclosure agreements, consider using straightforward and transparent language to improve understanding and trust between the parties.

Mutual Responsibilities: Instead of merely outlining the disclosee party's responsibilities, consider incorporating reciprocal obligations for both parties to safeguard sensitive information. This can create a more balanced agreement that reflects a mutual commitment to confidentiality.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Integrate clear and effective mechanisms for resolving disputes related to the non-disclosure agreement, potentially reducing the likelihood of lengthy and costly legal battles. Provide multi-layered system of escalation, as much as possible.

Sustainable / Ethical Considerations: Address sustainability and ethical considerations within the non-disclosure agreement, outlining the responsible use and disposal of confidential information to align with broader environmental and ethical principles.

These approaches may create an NDA which seeks not only protecting the parties involved in a transaction but also fosters a more collaborative and transparent relationship. Each approach should be carefully considered in light of the specific circumstances and precise legal advice sought where necessary.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.